Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation, Indian Art, Indian Culture, National Level Painting Competition and Exhibitions for All Age GroupNav Shri Art & Culture Organisation NSAC
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Artist Santanu Das Gupta
  • 7th Art N Art Exhibition 2019
  • I am Dhanish R.S from Kerala, this is my first exhibition. I am very happy to participate in it and I feel better as an artist by participating in this exhibition. Thanks to Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation And Mohit Manocha Sir.

    Dhanish RS Kerala
  • A unique experience. Good effort by novice and professional artists. I really enhanced by the work of artists who tried to defy their ideas through pencil and shades. I personally find paintings of Akash - Beauty in her dreams and Neha - Slanes of thoughts.

    Hope to see more of this kind of exhibition in the future, my best wishes to all Artists.

    Gopal Mishra Visitor
  • This platform is really good for the fresher artist and it is a great opportunity for us to exhibit our paintings on the national level. To exhibit our paintings here can be proved a milestone for us. We have got a chance to meet the various artists and share our thoughts. I just want to thank you the Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation for this.

    Meenu Chitrakaar Haryana
  • Each piece of artwork is evoke different feelings and makes me think in a wonderful way. Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation has given me a great opportunity. The work is excellent. They all delivered their imagination.

    It is a great experience for all artists and for me, it's like dream come true.

    It is the best platform for a new beginning for an artist.

    Mitu Jain Uttar Pradesh
  • आभार के साथ मैं कहना चाहूंगा कि यह कार्यक्रम नव श्री आर्ट एंड कल्चर आर्गेनाईजेशन के सौजन्य से राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आयोजित किया गया जिसके लिए श्रीमान मोहित मनोचा एवं उनकी सारी समिति साधुवाद के पात्र हैं इन्होने ऐसे कलाकारों को कला दीर्घा प्रदान की जो पेशे से कलाकार भी नहीं थे परन्तु उनके अंदर छुपे हुए हर कोने से कलाकार तथा उनकी कला को लोगों के सामने प्रस्तुत करके उनके उत्साह का वर्धन किया, जिसमे वे अपने जीवन में कला अर्जन करने की ऊर्जा लेकर यहाँ से जायेंगे और भविष्य में अपनी कला से लोगों को, समाज को लाभान्वित करेंगे। इस तरह के आयोजन से ऐसे कलाकारों को मौका मिला जिनकी कलाकृतियां अभी तक चारदीवारी में बंद थी। इनके ऑनलाइन वोटिंग के प्रयाश द्वारा देश विदेश के कोने कोने तक लोगों ने देखा और समझा की नव श्री आर्ट एंड कल्चर आर्गेनाईजेशन ने किस खूबसूरती और बेहतरीन सामंजस्य के साथ कलाकारों को देश के कोने-कोने से इकट्ठा कर एक ही छत के नीचे लेकर भारत वर्ष की अखंडता एवं एकता का परिचय दिया हैं आने वाले समय में और भी प्रयास' देखना चाहूंगा।

    Rajesh Rathore Bihar
  • First of all charan sparsh to Mohit Ji, He had done a great job to support and encourage passionate artists.

    Shekhar Kumar Delhi
  • Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation has given me the great opportunity to fulfill my dreams. I really feel wonderful and thankful to art for providing me with immense learning and a nice platform to exhibit my inner creativity in an exhibition.

    In the future, I would love to participate again in this exhibition. All members related to organisation are very helpful. My special thanks to all the members.

    Shikha Garg Uttar Pradesh
  • It was a wonderful experience. I love the concept of the event and its execution on the whole. Getting 52 Artists from all over India on a single platform was brilliant. Really grateful to Mohit Sir and his full team for their wonderful efforts.

    Shivani Kaul Bhatt Jammu & Kashmir
  • मुझे art N art में भाग लेकर बहुत अच्छा लगा, यहाँ सभी आर्टिस्ट से मिलकर बहुत अच्छा लगा, यहाँ का program, Awards program बहुत अच्छा लगा। सभी artists की paintings बहुत अच्छी हैं, Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation एक ऐसा आधार हैं जिसके जरिये मुझे इतने कलाकारों से मिलने का अवसर मिला और इनके द्वारा मुझे Exhibition में भाग लेने का, आगे बढ़ने की एक नयी दिशा मिली जिसके जरिये मैं अपने आर्टवर्क को इसके द्वारा दूर-दूर तक लोगों में पहुंचा सकूँ। इसके लिए मैं Art N Art का बहुत धन्यवाद करता हूँ।

    Suraj Kumar New Delhi
  • नव श्री आर्ट एंड कल्चर आर्गेनाईजेशन से जुड़ने का मेरा अनुभव शोभनीय एवं अतुल्नीय है। उत्तर प्रदेश के एक छोटे से शहर बदायूँ से लेकर दिल्ली राष्ट्रीय स्तरीय प्रदर्शनी तक का मेरा सफर बहुत ही यादगरा रहा। मुझे बहुत ही गर्व का अनुभव हो रहा है की मेरी मुलाकात नव श्री आर्ट एंड कल्चर आर्गेनाईजेशन के सर मोहित मनोचा जी से हुई। इतने कम समय में मोहित सर से बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिला, सर ने अपने कई अनुभवों को साझा किया और भविष्य के लिए शुभकामनाएं भी दी। केरल के कलाकार दानिश RS और दिल्ली के चित्रकार शेखर जी से मिलने का अनुभव भी अच्छा रहा।

    Vimal Kumar Goutam Uttar Pradesh
  • I feel amazing being with the Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation.

    It is one of the best art platforms for artists to promote themselves. I feel blessed and amazing. Thank you Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation

    Zamminlun Singson New Delhi
Artist Santanu Das Gupta
Mr.Santanu Dasgupta Jharkhand

Fine Art Teacher of DAV Public School CCL, NTS Barkakana, Dist.Ramgarh, Jharkhand glad to say that Navshri art n culture successfully accelerated their mission for promoting amateur as well as professional artist through art n art exhibition 2017. Spectacular paintings are being depicted on the display surface of the exhibition hall, collected from different states of India on various medium. Aesthetic of Indian Creativity can be observed throughout the exhibition hall.

Navshri has taken a global steps to promote and encouraging artist through exhibition Cum competition . In this respect the selection of winners on the basis of positive judgment is one and only the positive attitude can be found in their blood. Navshri never forget to respect the values of senior artist.

I wish and believe that art n art exhibition very soon will get a professional status in the field of art and culture.

Once again with regards
Santanu Dasgupta

Artist Zamminlun Singson
Mr.Zamminlun Singson Jharkhand, Bihar

I really feel happy and amazing being with the organisation. They really motivate me in chasing my dream. Meeting talanted artist, I learn many things on the exhibition. I got news ideas, new technique and many more on their events.Its the best exhibition and experience I have had so far. I got explored so much on the event learning new things. In simple words I feel amazing.

Thank you Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation
May God Bless NSAC

Artist Barun Mandal
Mr.Barun Mandal West Bengal

Nav Shri Art & Culture Organisation is such a kind of rare organization where people from different background can show there creativity. As an Artist my experience with this organization it was great. Getting award to displaying work it was amazing experience .For me its help to develop our own growth and making connection with people in the field of Art.

NSAC is a medium to improve and to show our thoughts to world.

My experience with this organisations mainly focus on arrangement of the exhibition at Artizen gallery (on of the renowned gallery in delhi), and award ceremony where lot of famous personality were present there.

I realy thak full to this organisation.